Spread the Word About Real Madrid
Client Real Madrid
Director Toby Wosskow
Real Madrid needed to deliver their 300MM global social followers exciting news: The team would be coming to the USA. It had to be entertaining to the fans in Spain, informative for the fans in the US and inspiring for all 300 million folks around the world.
Stept concepted and produced a 360-degree campaign that captured the spirit of Real Madrid fans. Directed by Toby Wosskow, the campaign captured fans spreading the word in each of the team's destination cities, culminating in a feeling that Real Madrid fans were rallying together far and wide.

![Web Frame [TOBY] Real Madrid.jpg](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e57ff34dff2820a6f1b09bc/5e60940ee4fc8938f7b4b52d/5f4413dc7bb751382c869d13/1598297058300/Web+Frame+%5BTOBY%5D+Real+Madrid.jpg)
Real Madrid is Coming